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Activism Governance Skills Youth Engagement

TDA Cookbook for Youth-Led Accountability

The Development Alternative (TDA) Cookbook for Youth-Led Accountability focuses on how young people can hold development actors to account, ensuring the projects they implement ali
Activism Skills Youth Engagement

Cambiando el poder a través del poder juvenil

En este Laboratorio de Liderazgo, escuchamos a tres oradores jóvenes diferentes que compartieron con nosotros sus experiencias. Aquí hay algunos aprendizajes clave de la sesión.
Activism Skills

Feminist Mentoring for Feminist Futures: Part 1 by CREA

A Guide to feminist mentoring and how it builds feminist leadership. This is Part 1 of ‘Feminist Mentoring for Feminist Futures.’ It is to be used in conjunction with Part 2: The Practice and Part 3: The Stories.
Activism Governance Skills

Sorry To Bother You: Study Guide

A History Study Guide and Take Action resource to help you start a co-op, union, and other ways to improve your workplace.
Activism Skills Youth Engagement

تحول السلطة من خلال قوة الشباب

في معمل القيادة هذا ، استمعنا إلى ثلاثة متحدثين شباب مختلفين شاركونا تجاربهم. فيما يلي بعض الدروس المستفادة من الجلسة.
Activism Skills

Feminist Mentoring for Feminist Futures: Part 2 by CREA

This is Part 2 of ‘Feminist Mentoring for Feminist Futures.’ It is to be used in conjunction with Part 1: The Theory and Part3: The Stories. This Guide was prepared by CREA with support from the Global Fund for Women.
Activism Skills Youth Engagement

Fast Company: Create an elevator pitch

How to make the most of making new contacts with a perfect elevator pitch.
Activism Skills

Feminist Mentoring for Feminist Futures: Part 3 by CREA

This is Part 3 of ‘Feminist Mentoring for Feminist Futures.’ It is to be used in conjunction with Part 1: The Theory and Part 2: The Practice. This Guide was prepared by CREA with support from the Global Fund for Women
Activism Skills Youth Engagement

Restless: Why Youth-Led Research

Why youth-led research is not just effective, but fundamentally about shifting power.
Activism Skills

Feminist Action Lab by Restless Development

This is an open online course to help you brush up on your knowledge of feminist advocacy and intergenerational activism. Explore 7 themes as individual study guides and test your knowledge at the end with a quick quiz!