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Activism Governance Skills Youth Engagement

TDA Cookbook for Youth-Led Accountability

The Development Alternative (TDA) Cookbook for Youth-Led Accountability focuses on how young people can hold development actors to account, ensuring the projects they implement ali
Activism Youth Engagement

Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research

Kohl Journal is a biannual, multilingual, open access, and peer-reviewed academic journal. It targets mainly, but not exclusively, graduate-level academics, fresh graduates, independent writers, activists, and researchers.
Skills Youth Engagement

Power Shift Network: Icebreakers

Use one ore more of these crowd-sourced icebreakers to open your next meeting!
Activism Governance Skills Youth Engagement

It’s Time To Transform Education

In this Leadership Lab, we explored the role of Youth Civil Society in transforming Education.
Activism Skills Youth Engagement

A toolbox to build people’s power by Beautiful Trouble

From stories, methodologies, theories, and more - explore and learn from a range of time-tested guidelines, strategic frameworks, and memorable actions.
Activism Governance Skills

Sorry To Bother You: Study Guide

A History Study Guide and Take Action resource to help you start a co-op, union, and other ways to improve your workplace.
Activism Governance Skills Youth Engagement


En esta serie de los Laboratorios de Liderazgo, exploramos el rol de la Sociedad Civil Juvenil en la transformación de la Educación.
Activism Funding Youth Engagement

Donor Finder by CIVICUS

A curated list of progressive donors supporting activists, civil society organizations, and small, informal civil society groups.
Activism Skills Youth Engagement

Fast Company: Create an elevator pitch

How to make the most of making new contacts with a perfect elevator pitch.
Activism Governance Skills Youth Engagement

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