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Activism Funding Youth Engagement

Donor Finder by CIVICUS

A curated list of progressive donors supporting activists, civil society organizations, and small, informal civil society groups.
Activism Funding Youth Engagement

Resource map for Youth CSOs and donors by Global Fund

A helpful map of multiple resources directly aimed at youth-led organizations and donors.
Activism Funding Youth Engagement

Believe in Better: working paper by Action Aid

A working paper on young people's inclusion in national follow-up, review, and accountability processes of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
Activism Funding Governance Youth Engagement

IASC: Young People in Humanitarian Crises

Guidelines for working with and for young people in humanitarian settings and protracted crises.
Funding Governance Skills Youth Engagement

Resource Mobilization: Tools & Techniques

An overview of some key learnings from the latest Leadership Labs session on resource mobilization.
Funding Governance

Choice: Investing in Youth Impact

A toolkit on funding for youth-led organisations.