The Development Alternative (TDA) Cookbook for Youth-Led Accountability focuses on how young people can hold development actors to account, ensuring the projects they implement ali
A Guide to feminist mentoring and how it builds feminist leadership. This is Part 1 of ‘Feminist Mentoring for Feminist Futures.’ It is to be used in conjunction with Part 2: The Practice and Part 3: The Stories.
In this Leadership Lab, we listened to three different youth speakers who shared with us their experiences. Here are some key learnings from the session.
A working paper on young people's inclusion in national follow-up, review, and accountability processes of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
This is Part 2 of ‘Feminist Mentoring for Feminist Futures.’ It is to be used in conjunction with
Part 1: The Theory and Part3: The Stories. This Guide was prepared by CREA with support from the Global Fund for Women.
En este Laboratorio de Liderazgo, escuchamos a tres oradores jóvenes diferentes que compartieron con nosotros sus experiencias. Aquí hay algunos aprendizajes clave de la sesión.