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Activism Governance Skills Youth Engagement

TDA Cookbook for Youth-Led Accountability

The Development Alternative (TDA) Cookbook for Youth-Led Accountability focuses on how young people can hold development actors to account, ensuring the projects they implement ali
Activism Youth Engagement

Global Report on Protecting Young People by the UN

This report addresses the gaps in global data collection around the threats and harassment young people face in civic spaces while providing clear recommendations for how stakeholders should create youth-sensitive protection mechanisms.
Activism Governance Skills Youth Engagement

How to create a youth civil society network in your area by Youth Collective

You can use this directory of organizations to convene a local network of youth organizations, to support, share skills and experience, jointly advocate and undertake projects together.
Activism Governance Skills Youth Engagement

خطوات لإقامة « حوار مع الجهات المانحة »

"في هذه اللمحة العامة الموجزة، نقدم نصائح عملية لكل من يسعى إلى إقامة "حوار مع الجهات المانحة
Activism Governance

Al Raida Journal: Vol. 45 No. 1 (2021)

Al-Raida is a bi-annual, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published by the Arab Institute for Women that aims to strengthen research on and by women in the Arab region and provides much-needed perspectives to global discourses on women and gender equality.
Activism Governance Skills

Campaign Strategy Toolkit by Better Future Project/Divest Ed

This is a resource on key topics that form Campaign Strategy specifically for campus fossil fuel divestment campaigns, though many of the concepts are widely applicable.
Activism Governance Skills Youth Engagement

كيفية إنشاء شبكة تواصل بين منظمات المجتمع المدني الشبابي في منطقتك

عبارة عن شبكة تضم منظمات المجتمع المدني الشبابية من حول العالم Youth Collective
Activism Youth Engagement

Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research

Kohl Journal is a biannual, multilingual, open access, and peer-reviewed academic journal. It targets mainly, but not exclusively, graduate-level academics, fresh graduates, independent writers, activists, and researchers.
Skills Youth Engagement

Power Shift Network: Icebreakers

Use one ore more of these crowd-sourced icebreakers to open your next meeting!
Activism Governance Skills Youth Engagement

It’s Time To Transform Education

In this Leadership Lab, we explored the role of Youth Civil Society in transforming Education.