Celebrating International Youth Day

Happy International Youth Day!

This year, we are celebrating Youth Civil Society and the vital work of our members in creating a more just and sustainable world. The youth organisations that make up the Youth Collective have faced huge challenges through the pandemic and shown amazing resilience. Today, we celebrate their Youth Power.

Mapping collective action.

This map shows just some of the activities being organised by the Youth Collective members around the world. Today, Youth Collective members are organising discussions to share the experiences of young people and advocate for change, organising campaigns and marches to advocate for youth-led action, and collaborating to hack innovative solutions to problems in their communities.

Conversations for change.

From organising a dialogue on substance misuse in Uganda, to a debate about youth and digital opportunity in Tanzania, our members are creating space for discussion this International Youth Day. Listening to the lived experiences and opinions of young people is key to creating solutions that work for them, and will bring about real change.

“As a very small youth-led Community-Based Organization, we plan to organize a symposium for youths and key local leaders to learn more about this day’s importance and dig deeper for them to know the hidden potential in youths for improving food security and developing their community.”

Lossie Konneh, Young Africans Community Empowerment Initiative, Sierra Leone

Youth innovation.

Whether hacking ideas for anti corruption and food security through community action in Sierra Leone, or creating school networks to support collaboration and innovation of new ideas, organisations in the Youth Collective are innovating for change. They are coming up with fresh approaches to the problems faced by their communities.

Nobody knows the issues affecting young people apart from youth people themselves, it’s therefore very crucial to at all times engage young people in creating change in their lives and communities.”

Etephen Okello, Teso Youth Network Uganda

Advocating for youth-led change.

In Kenya, New uprising youth network will be organising a march to promote peace in society. Rohingya Youths for Society Change in Bangladesh are organising an International Youth Day campaign for quality education for Rohingya refugee Children. Joven Siglo XXI in Nicaragua are organising a digital movement to advance the rights of young activists  Around the world, many youth groups are organising similar campaigns and events to advocate for change.

“Young people statistically make up the majority of the population, the future is within the hands of the young people and civil society are the supporting drivers of change. Civil Society work closely with the community and thus resonates well with the needs of the people.”

Youth Collective member in Afghanistan

Get involved.

The Youth Collective is a global network of youth civil society organisations, movements and groups. If you represent one of these groups, sign up to join us today!